Are you struggling with conflict in your marriage? Is there a lack of communication between you and your spouse? Have you been betrayed or having financial problems? Are you struggling with blending a family or adjusting to an empty nest? Have you separated?
It’s easy to get emotional when discussing heavy topics like money, sex and kids. Our heart’s desire is to help you foster healthy and strong marriages while rebuilding intimacy. Our ministry helps bring hope and healing to relationships through biblical principles. We want to help you conquer your specific area of struggle and become stronger in the process. We provide vital resources and practical tools to help strengthen and recover the marriage covenant. We will guide you toward creating new solutions to old problems and develop Kingdom perspectives and direction when relating to one another. Stop living together and start doing life together as you combine and capitalize on your unique gifts, personality and talent.
28% of married couples do not communicate with family members before a divorce. 63% of marriages do not attend relationship counseling or coaching before a divorce. Don’t become a statistic. Those who seek counseling or coaching wait an average of six years (six years of struggle) before getting help. You don’t have to wait. Don’t let this be you. John 10:10 The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that you would have life to the full! You can have life to the full in your marriage. The Lord desires this for you and, so do we!
What People Are Saying:
My husband and I attended the Re-engage Marriage Workshop it was a great experience. Both Danny and Kay are such kind people with a true love of Christ and relationships. They had powerful tools to help us navigate some of the issues we were aware of, and it also allowed us to be open about some hidden hurts that aren’t easily seen on the surface. If your struggling in a relationship or find yourself needing a Godly perspective of truth based on what the bible says these two are an amazing resource! We were truly blessed by their testimony of marriage and love them for the genuine people they are.
Lauren and Frank
My Husband and I went to the Re-engage Workshop after finding ourselves in the “empty nest” season of life. We needed some help to reset our marriage in this new and unfamiliar place. The conference helped us to understand how our marriage is meant to reflect God’s relationship with us. We received tools that helped us with conflict resolution in practical ways. We left with much more than we expected. We learned about finding our own spiritual gifts, supporting each others calling, love languages, finances and renewing our love and respect for each other just to name a few. Danny and Kay are so open with their faith, their testimony, and their hearts in such a real way that offers you hope and clear direction even when you feel discouraged. Their relationship and walk is a true testimony to the power of God. One of our biggest takeaways was we started praying together. We had prayed separately but never together. Since then, we’ve seen God move in our lives and in our children’s lives in a new way. I highly recommend investing in your marriage at the workshop. It honestly will change your focus, your heart and marriage.
Dayna and Kelly